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Drink of the Show: Alcohol Infused Carmel Whipped Cream
General Discussion:
TV Shows: Fringe, V, Star Trek Deep Space 9 (DS9), The Walking Dead, Survivors, Being Human, True Blood, Doctor Who, Fawlty Towers, Spaced, Red Dwarf, Episodes, Weeks, Californication, House, Sherlock, Jeckll, Law and Order UK, Peep Show, Top Shot, Hoarders
Movies: Battle for LA, Sucker Punch, Scott Pilgrim, Christopher Nolan Movies, Tron 2, Reboot
Video Games: Fallout New Vegas, Bayonetta, Brutal Legend, Dragon Age 2, PAX East 2011, LA Noir, Portal 2, Ms PacMan, Zombie Munchkin, Duke Nukem Forever, Heavy Rain, Rock Band 3 Pro Guitar
Tech: Firefox 4
Misc: Avenue Q