Category Archives: Episodes

Our Favorite Episodes

I thought it would be a good idea to compile a list of some of our favorite episodes, in case you wanted to get a taste for the show without having to dig through the backlog.  Enjoy!


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Posted by on March 8, 2013 in Episodes


Episode 74 – Maker Faire!


We had a brief hiatus, but we’re back!  Recording at King Richard’s Faire didn’t work out, so this one was recorded at Maker Faire (well, just after) – apologies for the audio quality, we are recording in Joe’s car, so there is background road noise.

Guest(s): Joe, Julie, Mike, Christine

Drink of the Show:

No drink of the show, we were on the road.  Don’t drink and drive, kids!

Topic of the week: Maker Faire!

Some of the things we saw:

  • Spinning wool
  • Cat Hair Yarn
  • 3D printers
  • Katy Perry the Unicorn
  • Toothpick World
  • Pancake Printer
  • Paper Robots
  • Talks
  • Mochi Mochi mini knitting
  • Arduino
  • Raspberry Pi
Maker Faire videos are online, check ’em out!

End Music:

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Posted by on October 9, 2012 in Episodes


No podcast this week

Things have been busy, so no podcast this week – but I’m going to try and record an episode this weekend at King Richard’s Faire!

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Posted by on September 13, 2012 in Episodes


Episode 73 – Apple vs. Samsung – Patent Madness!

Image from NOTES

Guest(s): Sarah


What we’ve been reading: Some-kind of Fairy-tale – A Novel, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court



End Music:

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Posted by on September 6, 2012 in Episodes


Episode 72 – One Giant Leap for Mankind

Neil ArmstrongSHOW NOTES

Guest(s): Sarah

Drink of the Show:


Drink Rating (out of 5)

  • Adam: 5 out of 5
  • Tev: 5 out of 5
  • Sarah: 5 out of 5

Generally Discussed: Neil Armstrong, Mars Rover, Tony Scott


What we’ve been watching: Louie, Breaking Bad, Samurai Champloo


Video Games


New Releases This Week


What we’ve been watching: Stagecoach, The Searchers



Last Weeks Box Office

New Releases This Week

Netflix Watch Instantly: Super 8, Captain America

End Music:

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Posted by on September 1, 2012 in Episodes


Episode 71 – Death by Pizza


Topic of the week: PIZZA

Win a prize!  Send us an email (comments at, post a comment on our Facebook page, drop us a Tweet (@untitledgeek) or leave us a review on iTunes and you will win a prize of some sort!  (For iTunes reviews, you should also send us a note some other way too, so we can contact you – it’s extra work so you’ll get a *slightly nicer* prize!)

You have two weeks to do it, so do it before Sept. 4th!

What is the prize?  It’s a sur-prize!


What we’ve been watching: Olympics, Hotel Hell



Video Games

What we’re playing: Darksiders 2, Pinball Arcade by Farsight


New Releases This Week


What we’ve been watching: Adventure Land, Hot Rod, Devil, 21 Jump St


Last Weeks Box Office

New Releases This Week

End Music:

  • Mona Pizza – Super Smash Bros
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Posted by on August 21, 2012 in Episodes


Episode 70 – Camp-cast – Moose and Brony


Guest(s): Sarah, Snooj

Drink of the Show: Vodka and Diet Raspberry-Lime Polar Soda


  • Vodka
  • diet raspberry-lime soda

Drink Rating (out of 5)

  • Sarah: 4
  • Tev: 4
  • Snooj: 4

Topic of the week: Camping – technology and lack thereof


  • cribbage
  • outhouses
  • we saw a moose!
  • iphone as trivia-answering device



  • cutting the cord – no TV
  • My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic – being a brony

Video Games



What we’ve been watching:  Dark Knight Rises, The Darkest Hour, Footloose (Kevin Bacon commentary track)

End Music: Cute Song for a Cute Face – Producer Snafu


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Posted by on August 14, 2012 in Episodes


Episode 69 – Sexual Innuendo-cast (The Dark Knight Rises… that’s what she said)

photo by whatwhat*SHOW NOTES*

Best Episode Evar?!

Definitely the longest ever!  We try out pickup lines and discuss the Dark Knight in-depth (with spoilers, so we save it for the end of the podcast)

Guest(s): Rick Woolford, Joe Rousseau

Drink of the Show: Beehive


  • 3 parts mead
  • 2 parts barooyergrh
  • 1 part vodka

Drink Rating (out of 5)

  • Adam: 1
  • Tev: 3
  • Joe: 3
  • Rick: 2


What we’ve been watching: Kingdom, Inbetweeners, League of Gentlemen, Bait Car, Breaking Bad, Dowton Abby, Venture Bros, Avatar the Last Airbender, Dexter, Peep Show, Six Feet Under, Drama Mama




Video Games

What we’re playing: Skyrim Dawnguard


New Releases This Week


What we’ve been watching: Dark Knight Rises,


Break Music:

  • Sex – Persephone’s Bees

End Music:

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Posted by on August 7, 2012 in Episodes


Episode 68 – Minisode – What is 3D Printing?


Just Tev on this minisode, where he answers a few questions about 3D printing.

Topic of the week: 3D Printing

Also (unrelated), the Reaper Bones Miniatures Kickstarter looks cool if you like that sort of thing.
End music:  The Future Soon, Jonathan Coulton
Some photos of my printer and first prints:

Tev’s 3D printer workbench

Raspberry Pi case


Clip-on iPad amplifier

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Posted by on August 5, 2012 in Episodes


Episode 67 – Steam Sale falls, Dark Knight Rises


Guest(s): Dave, Krista

Drink of the Show: Apple Pie Shooter


  • 2/3 oz vodka
  • 2/3 oz apple juice
  • dash of cinnamon
  • dash of nutmeg
Shake with ice, strain into shot glass.  Top with whipped cream.
Best drink of the show ever?

Drink Rating (out of 5)

  • Adam: 4
  • Tev: 4
  • Krista: 5
  • Dave: 4


What we’ve been watching: Downton Abbey, Breaking Bad


  • Emmys Announced


What we’ve been reading: Patient Zero



  • Tev’s 3D printer
  • Windows 8 coming soon
  • Christian tablet

Video Games

What we’re playing: Dear Ester, Blocks that Matter, Breath of Death VII, lots of Steam games.


What we’ve been watching: Dark Knight Rises, Chronicle


End Music:

  • Theme to Batman TV show

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Posted by on July 25, 2012 in Episodes