Skype acts up a little, Adam may be a bit robotic in parts of this podcast.
Drinks of the Show: Glögg
Top 5: Our top predictions for 2012
- Mobile Payments will start to become recognizable and practical
- HTML 5 will whittle away at Flash
- Windows 8 will suck
- Hulu will lose marketshare to other services
- Ultrabooks will the next thing we won’t stop hearing about
- Video Game Predictions: Playstation Vita will fail, Wii U will under perform, Next Xbox will be announced
- The rise of DIY
- Massive copyright war
- SSD will go mainstream
- The World Will Not End
What we’ve been watching: Absolutely Fabulous, The Increasingly Poor Decisons of Todd Margret
Video Games
What we’re playing: Aaaaaaaaaaaa, Magic 2012
- Nintendo doesn’t allow indie publishers to reveal sales
- N-control donates $10,000 to child’s play in wake of Avenger debacle
- Steam sales increased 100% this year
- PAX 3 Day Badges Sold out (natch)
What we’ve been watching: Romance
Break Music:
- End of the World (The Living End)
End Music:
- O Say Can You See the Future (Monk Turner + Fascinoma)