Episode 43 - Street Fighter versus Barbarian, Fight! [ 1:17:31 ] Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (629)
Drinks of the Show: The Knockout
- 1 oz. dry vermouth
- 1 oz. gin
- 1 oz. anisette (I used absinthe)
- 1 tsp. white creme de menthe (I used peppermint schnapps)
- 1 maraschino cherry
Top 5: Top 5 Fighting Games
(You can see our list at the bottom – spoilers!)
What we’ve been watching: Misfits, Grimm
What Tev’s been reading: iWoz, SuperGod
- Megaupload is Mega Dead, many file sharing sites nervously shut themselves off
- Google Unifies their privacy policy
- HP starts to make webOS open souce by releasing the javascript framework
- Jailbreak available for iPad2
- Supreme Court says GPS tracking is equivalent to a search, might require a warrant
- Apple announces iBooks2, cheaper textbooks, restrictive self-publishing
- Lego launches social media site
- Google Maps adds public saftey alerts
Video Games
What we’re playing: Minecraft, QUBE
What we’ve been watching: nothin’
- Oscar Nominations Announced
- Chuck Norris demands PG-13 for Expendables 2
- George Lucas insists you could survive a nuke in a fridge
Netflix Watch Instantly: The Phantom, The Weatherman, Babel
Break Music:
- Frets of Fury (vertexguy)
End Music:
- Mortal Konfrontation (Dan Forden)
Top 5
- Mortal Kombat
- Barbarian
- Rival Schools: United by Fate (sequel Project Justice)
- Punch-out!!
- Nintendo Wrestling
- SoulCalibur (Dreamcast)
- Bushido Blade
- Street Fighter II
- Bloody Roar