Episode 10 – I’m Readin’ a Book

07 Jun

The lazy-cast premieres this week! What is that you ask? Well, it’s essentially the same podcast we usually do, minus the Top 5!

The crew from the Untitled Geek Podcast are heading to the UK!  We are going to try to do one or two short podcasts from London and upload them on the normal release schedule.  Stay tuned!


Guest: Sarah Bodah

Drink of the Show: “Quentin”


  • 1 1/2 oz rum
  • 1/2 oz Kahlua
  • 1 oz light cream
  • 1/8 teaspoon grated nutmeg (or just a pinch)

Combine liquids in shaker with ice.  Shake and strain into glass.  Garnish with nutmeg.  As we discovered, nutmeg is really strong, so if you don’t want it horrible, err on the side of too little nutmeg.

Top 5 List: None 🙁

No Top 5 this week.  We are preparing for a trip to the UK and didn’t have time.


What we’ve been watching: Song of the South, Bridesmaids

News: Green Lantern rides, Star Trek Theme park

New on Netflix Watch Instantly: Resident Evil Afterlife, Dark Shadows TV Series,
Hard days night, Clerks, The Crow, Chasing Amy, Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs
He-man, She-ra, Inspector Gadget, Titan AE



What we’ve been watching: Same old same old. And Sarah is watching Bones a lot.



What we’ve been reading:


Video Games


What we’ve been playing: LA Noire

Intermission Music:

End Music:

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Posted by on June 7, 2011 in Episodes


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